New forest health websites and resources

Oregon Sudden Oak Death Website The new Oregon Sudden Oak Death Website provides general Sudden Oak Death information including signs and symptoms, how the disease spreads, how to report potential infestations and management options. Take a look at the Task Force tab in the top menu bar to read more about the missions and goals of the Sudden Oak Death task force and all of the organizations that have been collaborating on this difficult issue. The website was made possible by funding by the Wild Rivers Coast Alliance and can be viewed here:

Oregon Sudden Oak Death Dashboard Are you interested in knowing more about the efforts to slow the spread of Sudden Oak Death in Curry County?  The Oregon Sudden Oak Death Dashboard is a new resource that provides information on Sudden Oak Death efforts to slow the spread of Sudden Oak Death in Curry County. The dashboard incorporates a detection map. View the map legend by selecting the menu icon in the top right hand corner of the map. Use the +/- tool in the lower right hand corner to zoom in and out of the map to get a closer look at detection in relation to roads and streams The dashboard will be updated monthly by the Oregon Sudden Oak Death Program and can be viewed using this link:

Aerial Survey Story Map Story maps show geographic data with photos and background information. The Aerial survey story map represents forest health detections across Oregon and Washington and provides background information on the various forest health issues. As you scroll down this story map, the map image changes allowing you to view photos and descriptions of each forest health issue with an associated detection map. Use the +/- tool in the upper left corner of each map to zoom into an area of interest. Select highlighted points on each map to view further details including tree species and acreages impacted. View the results of the 2019 aerial forest surveys for tree mortality and damage from forest insects and diseases at this site:

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