Category: Uncategorized

  • Debugging and solving problems

    When I encounter a problem while working on this treasure hunting app, I am required by my team’s project plan to seek help from ChatGPT first. I usually first explain what the problem is (and get quite specific) and ask for possible solutions. ChatGPT is pretty skilled at giving potential solutions and items to check.…

  • Nearly Halfway Through…

    Yay! Excited that we are almost halfway done, and thus far the project is going ok and a lot faster than expected. I’ve gotten all of the app basics done such as finishing the app navigation, using a map API to display the user’s area, and creating my classes. Throughout this process, ChatGPT has been…

  • About Me

    Hi! My name is Sophia and this is my blog to capture my OSU Capstone project journey! A little bit about myself: I currently live in rainy Seattle where I work at Microsoft as a Product Manager. Outside of work, I take computer science courses for my OSU Computer Science Post-Bacc program (one more quarter…

  • Breaking Ground

    Our R&D project is to develop an app from scratch through the assistance of AI and recording the recording the results. With my two other group members, Alec and Tamarsh, we will individually create our own versions of a “Mobile Treasure Hunt” game for both Android and iOS platforms and use AI tools like ChatGPT…