
Blog Post #1

What got you started with computers or software?

I started getting interested in the technology sector during my internship at a company called CompTIA, which provided educational resources and learning material for IT and Cybersecurity professionals. Learning and helping to develop the different course materials really made me interested in starting to code, as I was able to learn about the implications that technology had on our future. During that summer, I started to learn Java through a free University of Illinois virtual course, in which I learned the basics of Java. In addition, throughout my summer at CompTIA I was tasked with learning about the implications that AI had on our future. This was around the time where ChatGPT was just starting to get popularized, so it was a great experience being able to read and write about it. This lead me to wanting to learn more about computers, so after doing some research, I learned about the Post Baccalaureate program at OSU, which lead me to enroll in the program immediately following my previous undergrad school.

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