Post graduation plans part 2

I have decided in addition to algorithm and coding practice. I will also learn 2 additional things: Java/Spring framework and Computer Networking. I did not take the 372 elective because of the horrible reviews but luckily for me there is a free course online. I estimate that 50% of my time will be spent on algorithms and a 30/20 split between Java and Computer Networking. I am learning Java because of its C syntax and use in server-side development. Up to this point, I have only written server-side code in either Javascript or Python and I am interested to see how it is done with a strict typed, compiled language. Computer networking is something that I will be learning out of my own curiosity. I want to understand how computers communicate with each other, and what sockets, ports and hosts are. Whenever I would set up boiler plate code with either flask or express, there was a curious side of me wondering what was happening under the hood and I am hoping this networking class will provide a clear answer.

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