Contemplating the Future

#3 Implementation

The past few weeks have been very busy as we are at the end of our #2 sprint planned. We have made a lot of progress on our project, so far. Since last post, we have presented our prototype, and got the design finalized. We have started implementation of our application, and have made a fair amount of progress.

I have continued from the UI/UX design work, to continue with my frontend responsibilities, being able to complete most of the UI implementation this sprint. I have to just add our final notification page, and I can then start to help the team, with the integrating with HubSpot, the CRM Tierra Urbana is using.

The process has been tough, I personally am new to React Native, the cross platform framework we are using to implement the application. I have done a lot of personal research to become more familiar , and be able to successfully implement the UI. This has made my time management more stressful.

Lately I’ve had more trouble keeping to the 50-10 rule I set for myself earlier this term. It can be stressful to take breaks at first, when a deadline is approaching. I have been using a timer to enforce this, but it is still hard to adhere to. But the process from switching your brain from a concentrated work mode, to a resting mode, really helps me work for longer periods.

We will continue to make progress on our application the next couple weeks. We have made great progress so far, and we are already into the meat of the implementation. We should be close to finishing after this sprint, and it is exciting to be coding and making commits. More to come!!






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