
Writing Exercise #5

What choices do you make in terms of food/nutrition/product use and consumption that may have an impact on your microbial communities? Consider choices that are intentional and choices that are perhaps non-intentional.

My approach to food consumption and product use when considering how it will affect my microbial communities is to avoid overconsuming products I know will cause a negative effect and consume products with positive benefits when possible. For example, I do not always eat yogurt but when I am grocery shopping, but sometimes I do buy it since it is so versatile and it is a good mutualistic bacteria. This choice is more non-international because it depends on when I buy groceries and if that week I want to buy yogurt. An intentional choice that is probably beneficial to my microbial colonies is my decision to not eat junk food like cookies or chips. I have never felt the need to snack, so junk food was never something I craved. Controlling what I eat and how it has affected my microbial colonies has gotten more difficult recently since I have developed lactose intolerance which has required me to adjust the food and drinks I consume daily. While I am not the most healthy person, I do think I have a good amount of control over what I eat.

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