
A Balancing Act

Navigating Large Workloads

This term at OSU has been one of the heaviest workloads that I think I may have had throughout my time in the program. While unexpected, the challenges that come with balancing the needs of all of my courses has presented unique opportunities for me – especially as my team and I work through our Capstone project. I am typically the type of person who will add more to my plate (sometimes absurdly) in order to make the lives and work of my teammates less stressful and easier. However, this quarter I have had to learn to let others be responsible for their share of a project in order to help ensure that I am successful in all of my courses. I still find myself trying to take on more than I probably need to, but I have found that it is beneficial to encourage everyone’s participation rather than taking on too much work.

Differing Approaches to Work

In addition to learning to encourage others to be more involved in our project, it has also been difficult for me to adjust to the various approaches to work that are present in our group. I am typically a very plan oriented person who tends to work ahead in order to try and head off any potential issues that may arise. In previous group assignments I had the opportunity to choose my teammates and often tried to align course schedules with peers that had similar philosophies – often I was working with friends who shared the same outlook.

This course has required me to be much more adaptable to others’ schedules and approaches to completing assignments. It has been rather challenging for me, especially with my personal responsibilities, including ensuring that I am staying present as a father and husband. This need for adaptability has led to some long nights in order to ensure that everyone has contributed to the assignment and had a chance to look it over before it gets submitted.

With all of this being said, I still think that I will stick to my philosophy of working ahead in the future. I think that the added stress of trying to put a bow on a given assignment the night that it’s due is not conducive to complete, productive, and effective work. However, this project has made me understand the difficulties and intricacies of navigating deadlines and due dates when groups of individuals – with varying lifestyles, timezones, and obligations – come together.

What’s Next?

Navigating a large workload as well as working with a group of individuals that I’m not very familiar with has posed unique challenges this quarter. However, these challenges have also allowed me to develop a more empathetic and understanding outlook when schedules don’t align perfectly or hiccups occur. The main thing for me to focus on is being vocal about my concerns regarding last minute work and expressing my concerns and interests to avoid it. While this is not always possible, it at least lays my concerns out on the table in an attempt to make the situation more inline with my outlook. Moving forward, I will be more proactive in working to ensure that we have at least a window for corrections in the event of unforeseen circumstances.