Bella Voce

Oregon State University's Bella Voce Women's ChoirBella Voce, directed by Dr. Tina Bull, is a select 60 voice women’s chorus. This auditioned ensemble performs each term and tours regionally and internationally.
Tina Bull, Oregon State University Coordinator of Music Education and Conductor of Bella Voce

Tina Bull completed her B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Music Education at the University of Illinois. She became coordinator of music education at Oregon State University in the fall of 1996, where she continues to prepare graduate students for the music education profession through teaching and administration of the OSU Professional Music Teacher Education program.

Dr. Bull founded Bella Voce 14 years ago. Highlights of our history include performing the Vivaldi Gloria RV589 and Britten’s Ceremony of Carols with the Corvallis-OSU Symphony. Bella Voce has toured throughout Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Finland, Denmark, and Estonia. Highlights this year include performances of the Vaughn-Williams “Dona Nobis Pacem,” as well as performing the world premiere of Joan Szymko’s newest piece, “viva sweet love,” a commission funded by the OSU Women’s Giving Circle. Next year, the choir will perform in San Francisco with the OSU Meistersingers.

Dr. Bull is a frequent choral clinician and adjudicator in the state and region. She served seven years as the Northwest chair and executive board member of the Society for Music Teacher Education. She is the former editor of the Oregon ACDA journal, Choral Focus. Currently, Dr. Bull is the president of the Oregon Music Education Association and member of the northwest board of the National Association for Music Education (formerly MENC).

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