Lectures, lectures, lectures

Yeah this is going to be a post on my project. It’s inevitable really, considering it’s one of the few times I have to use all my creative juices. But here’s the catch, I have not written a line of code yet. Haven’t even cloned the git link to the shared github account. Why?

Well the title doesn’t do enough justice because as of now, I have around 10 hours of lecture to go through before I can understand how to make a plot visual in pandas. When I took on my project, I wanted to learn more about machine learning (I’m building a trading bot) but I did not expect the lecturer to openly state he doesn’t know anything about machine learning algorithms. Which means I am going to be even more lost when I look at the documentation.

But we all have to watch these lectures and understand what we’re doing before we write code. Why? Because when we look at the documentation, if we try to write anything we might as well just be throwing rocks and sticks into a pile trying to build an igloo. It teaches you one valuable thing, you can’t judge someone strictly by how many lines of code they’ve written.






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