Category: Uncategorized

  • Midpoint!

    Time flies! We are already at the midpoint for our Capstone project! It has been a challenging journey so far, being able to learn a lot about using React, connecting the frontend and the backend, and bringing in everyone’s work together for the midpoint. With that said, we have made great progress as a team…

  • Things Are Looking Up.

    Going through the last quarter at OSU requires much more than simply taking classes. It means having to look for a full-time role to start after graduating from the program and it can be hard sometimes – having to juggle between coursework, applying to jobs, studying for interviews, and facing rejections. But things are looking…

  • The MERN Stack.

    Over the past week, I began to think about my portion of our team’s application. Our Capstone project being the job tracking app, my objective right now is to start figuring out how to build the job dashboard, where the end user can view the jobs they applied to, can edit them, and can add…

  • Here We Go.

    This week, my team and I were able to successfully pin down the details to finalize our project plan. We worked out everything from the structure of our application and languages/frameworks we will be using, to dividing up the responsibilities amongst ourselves and drawing up the prototypes for what our pages will look like. We…

  • First Meeting.

    Today, my Capstone teammates and I had our first meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to get the details down for our team standards, which will serve as a guide to working together throughout the quarter. During the call, we bounced ideas off one another, and everyone agreed with most, if not all,…

  • Almost There.

    What a ride it has been. I remember when I applied to this program during lunch at my old job, wanting to change careers to become a software engineer. Fast forward two and a half years, I am at the finish line. Like many of us in this program, the decision to leave a career…