Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #4

    Learning something new, and learn it fast, is arguably a skill every programmer needs to survive in today’s environment. For our music classification neural network, I spiked two important underlying technologies: Librosa, which we are using throughout our project to transform sound signals to images, and Keras, which is the framework for building our ConvNet…

  • Blog Post 2

    We are now half way into week three, our team has submitted the project plan and we have a (mostly) solid understanding of what needs to be done. Our project is a music genre classification neural network. This project, at its core, is a Convolution Neural Network(CNN) that will be trained to classify music genres…

  • My Journey

    It was around fall of 2020 when my interest in computer science ramped up to something more substantial than reading the intro to “Automating the Boring Stuff with Python” for the 12th time. I had prior exposure, of course, coming from a mechanical engineering degree, I had many encounters with Matlab which, at the time,…