Final Update.

During this class I have learned a few different things. I learned how to make a parent page for blog post. I thought at first each blog post I was supposed to categorize rather than attach to a parent page and create separate pages. I have also learned quiet a bit on Word Press. I had never used a blog before so it has been a lot of playing around discovering what each thing does and how to edit the blog. The other technical part that I learned was using excels. I have never had to work much with the application so making the budget was difficult. The directions on the class sight though really help walk me through how to make it, and the preset applications also helped.

Some new concepts that I learned were how much women influence each other in the workforce and how much they are influenced by things that seem so little to me. When we did the project on Legos I found that the most interesting because I never thought much about how the girls things were pink and the boys were a more range of colors. I am a girl who loves things pink so it never fazed me that having only a pink option might be discriminating to other girls who don’t like the color as much. I also have learned a lot about how influential science is in our society. To me math and science were never subjects that I enjoyed so I never focused much on them. Once I was in college though a couple of my girl friends are engineering majors. It fascinates me that sometimes they may be the only girls in the classroom of 80 people. With reading the articles about how encouraging young girls to be involved in these subjects might help raise the numbers I had never thought about us physically denying them the opportunity to move forward with a career, however, I have always thought of science and jobs associated with it a mans job. This class opened my eyes though to opportunities that I never thought girls were being denied. I just found the whole class interesting.

In the future I don’t believe I will continue to use this specific blog. I would like to create one based more around lifestyle because that’s what I’m interested in more and had fun working on this blog. I’ve always wanted to start one just wasn’t sure how and wasn’t sure if id be able to make the time commitment. But with the weekly blogs we did I think that I would because a simple lifestyle blog I could sit down and I believe write out just on a Sunday. I currently use screenshots, PDF files, and media as forms of communication. I went to a high school that focused heavily on technology so most of the simpler task I already knew how to do. I do believe though that spread sheets I’m going to try and incorporate more. While looking through the template’s on Excel I found so many that range from packing to expenses. I also downloaded the Mint app and have decided that I’m going to continue to use it in hopes of minimizing some of my outrageous spending habits.

Week 9 Update:

After finishing my project on Lammily I have came to my own conclusion that the marketing needs to be handled better. At home I live with a 7 year old little girl who loves to play with dolls. She watches Disney Channel and Nick on TV a lot, throughout the day we will see tons of commercials for different baby dolls, Barbie’s, and even monster high dolls but I have never once seen a commercial for a Lammily doll. I believe that if they want to market these to a target audience of who will play with them they need to focus on channels that these kids are watching and places they are going not news articles that only a small population of parents will see. This doll though I believe if became more well known could help shift societies definition of what is perfect into something that is more attainable for the new generation of girls.


2. My Dreams:

  • To travel to different countries.
  • Own a home
  • purchase a newer car with low milage
  • have a savings account with more than only a couple hundred in it.
  • finish college and become a preschool teacher.

Lammily Week 8 Update

This week I have completed most of the project. I have gotten in contact with Nikolas Lamm the creator of Lammily. I have emailed him early in the week with a few questions that I could not find online. I am still waiting for a response on them and hopefully will get them in time to include in the project. I have completed the Social factors, however, due to the project being new I am having difficulties discovering political aspects of the doll. But overall the project is going good.

Week 7 Updates

This week I began my research on Lammily dolls. This has been a harder task than I thought it would be. Most of the information that I have posted so far has come directly from the toys website which includes a blog attached written by Nickolay Lamm the creator of Lammily. I believe that it is hard to find information about the dolls because they are still so new and hardly heard about, these dolls have only been public for about a year. I have emailed the creator Nickolay Lamm and asked if I could ask him a few question in hope of finishing the project out. Most of my research is being done via news sources just because there are not a lot of scholarly articles written about Lammily dolls to this day that I can find. For my bibliography I find it easiest to just save the link of article I cited and include a brief description in text and later will fill in the correct citation. I type the whole thing in a word document so its easy because all pieces of the project then are together in one formate. I am excited to see in the next week what else I find out about Lammily and hope to get in contact with Nickolay Lamm just to hear what he says about some questions that I still need answers to.

Gender Lens Ideas

I want to continue my research on Lammily the new and improved barbie doll. I find it interesting because I grew up playing with Barbies and Bratz dolls, so it interest me in learning about a doll that is more realistic rather than giving girls and boys these ideas of how girls should be portrayed in the form of a doll. As I explored I noticed that on the about page it is created by a male. So I want to further the research in finding how women are reacting to this new doll.