Final Update.

During this class I have learned a few different things. I learned how to make a parent page for blog post. I thought at first each blog post I was supposed to categorize rather than attach to a parent page and create separate pages. I have also learned quiet a bit on Word Press. I had never used a blog before so it has been a lot of playing around discovering what each thing does and how to edit the blog. The other technical part that I learned was using excels. I have never had to work much with the application so making the budget was difficult. The directions on the class sight though really help walk me through how to make it, and the preset applications also helped.

Some new concepts that I learned were how much women influence each other in the workforce and how much they are influenced by things that seem so little to me. When we did the project on Legos I found that the most interesting because I never thought much about how the girls things were pink and the boys were a more range of colors. I am a girl who loves things pink so it never fazed me that having only a pink option might be discriminating to other girls who don’t like the color as much. I also have learned a lot about how influential science is in our society. To me math and science were never subjects that I enjoyed so I never focused much on them. Once I was in college though a couple of my girl friends are engineering majors. It fascinates me that sometimes they may be the only girls in the classroom of 80 people. With reading the articles about how encouraging young girls to be involved in these subjects might help raise the numbers I had never thought about us physically denying them the opportunity to move forward with a career, however, I have always thought of science and jobs associated with it a mans job. This class opened my eyes though to opportunities that I never thought girls were being denied. I just found the whole class interesting.

In the future I don’t believe I will continue to use this specific blog. I would like to create one based more around lifestyle because that’s what I’m interested in more and had fun working on this blog. I’ve always wanted to start one just wasn’t sure how and wasn’t sure if id be able to make the time commitment. But with the weekly blogs we did I think that I would because a simple lifestyle blog I could sit down and I believe write out just on a Sunday. I currently use screenshots, PDF files, and media as forms of communication. I went to a high school that focused heavily on technology so most of the simpler task I already knew how to do. I do believe though that spread sheets I’m going to try and incorporate more. While looking through the template’s on Excel I found so many that range from packing to expenses. I also downloaded the Mint app and have decided that I’m going to continue to use it in hopes of minimizing some of my outrageous spending habits.

The Culture of Cristoforetti Time Era

This time period is one that if we look back on most of us remembers fondly, we have lived through it alongside Cristoforetti. European history is not as common for us to know, but for Cristoforetti these events are what she grew up hearing about in the news. In 1996 a scientist in Scotland succeed in cloning a sheep from a single cell. This was a major technological advancement for the entire world (history, 2014). It was not until 2006 that most of the homes in Europe have high-speed Internet access; this is also a popular time for families to begin having cell phones, flat-screen TV’s and DVD players in their own homes. Coming from Milan Cristoforetti has been exposed to many different cultural aspects. Many different countries including Austria, Spain, and France have ruled Milan. Due to many countries having control of Milan there is a wide range of religions, languages, and ways of living. In the 1980’s, the years of Cristoforetti childhood personal computers were becoming popular; she was growing up in what was the Fashion Capital of the world. This change in attraction made Milan a tourist destination, many house names such as Dolce & Gabbana and Versace originated in Milan. Milan became known for a place to drink and look good (M., F., 2014). In the 1990s Milan experienced a detrimental financial crisis that quickly resulted in a decline of textile manufacturing. During the last 30 years women have been advancing greatly in higher educations, they are more likely now then ever to attend college and get a degree. Currently in the society more women are likely to attend college than men, including areas of computer science and mathematics (women’s, 2011). However, even with high statistics to accomplish and succeed in schooling a large proportion of women in Italy find themselves unemployed after college. The majority of families who reside in Italy come from a strong background in Roman Catholic. This makes many people believe in a higher evil, spells, witches, and more.

Cristoforetti began her career in 2001 joining the Italian Air Force Academy and graduating soon after in 2005. She then joined the ESA in 2009. During these years many inventions were beginning to come around. In 2005 YouTube was created, and in 2006 was named invention of the year (M.B., 2016). In today’s society there is an invention for nearly everything, we have Google for when were stuck without an answer, we have Facebook to instantly upload pictures, and other sights and technological advancements that one person could hardly remember all of. Cristoforetti may be the first Italian women in space but she is not the first to experience life in what many ancestors would look at as privileged. With a tool or app to solve every problem that may come throughout ones lifetime it has become easier to share, document, and encourage others in success.

To Next Pages:
Trends During the 21st Century
Who is Samantha Cristoforetti
What Technology is Cristoforetti Known for Using?

Trends During 21st Century

The roles of women in today’s society have changed greatly even in the last 50 years. Today women are encouraged to become what they want, influenced by some of the best feminist in the society. Without the women’s right movement many of the accomplishments by women would never have happened. According to Nation Master, a ranking system of educations around the world, Italy comes in 20th place of the 110 countries. 98.3% of the women population will finish at least high school and most continue onto higher-level education (Italy, 2012). Due to Italy having a focus on family life, many women who continue their education do not have a family of their own. It becomes hard because of the time dedication that each member dedicated to playing their role in a household. Women even though granted the rights to vote, go to school, work, and many other things are still the primary caregivers to their families. This causes major set backs in their education levels or their workforce promotions (Solera, 2007). Overall compared to men in Italy a women is more likely to be hired for a full time position than men, this is suggested to be because women are in higher tendency for longer careers in school. Many women have made an impact on the Italian society, there have been many who were in the fields of science and technology and then there were many who were in other fields such as politics or literature. One woman, Rita Levi-Montalcini was a neurologist and biochemist. In 1986, se won a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovery of the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF.) It has played a significant role in different diseases (15 women, 2014). Montalcini was a role model for many women because of her dedication to enter the field of science during an age where women were still expected to stay home and raise their families. She passed away in 2012 but left behind a footstep that many women have followed. In todays society women are encouraged to be individuals, they are encouraged to be unique and follow their dreams rather than stand in the kitchen cooking for your family and relying on their husbands to support them. Women are bringing in their own incomes; they are becoming providers in more than just one way. Today women still have to fight for their rights, but people are not against women becoming unique and self-sufficient.

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Who is Samantha Cristoforetti
What Technology is Cristoforetti Known for Using?

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-The Culture of Cristoforetti Time Era.

What Technology is Cristoforetti Known for Using

Electromagnetic Levitator while in use. ©DLR, 2014

During the mission there was quite a bit of different technology used. Technology could range from the devices used in the shuttle to the devices used to conduct the experiments. The Electromagnetic Levitator was used for the first time on the Futura mission. The Levitator can heat metals up to 2000 degrees Celsius or 1093.333 degrees Fahrenheit. The levitator melts the metals and then can freeze and suspend the metals mid-air as they melt and solidify. They used this machine to determine if loss of gravity changed how the metals were solidified. The metals were retrieved and then sent back to earth to have a thorough examination. The metals that were investigated included Coolcop, are metals combined rather than a pure metal such as copper. The metals that Futura investigated on combination were cobalt and copper. They observed the electromagnetic leviator and looked at the surface tension. Attached to the leviator was a camera attached called a Magnephas. It observed the magnetic alloys in the metals. This was tested every time the metals reached a new state such as liquefying or becoming solid.

On the shuttle were different laboratories; one lab was the Columbus Laboratory.
Within the laboratory they experimented in low-power sensory environments, which changed the temperature, pressure, and humidity. Their goal in the laboratory was to see if energy could be harvested from inside the station from the light, airflows, and temperature. This was just one of the laboratories.

Cristoforetti and her team used tons of different technological devices to determine scientific changes in materials throughout space, that were later compared to those changes on earth with gravity influencing them.

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-The Culture of Cristoforetti Time Era.
-Trends During the 21st Century
Who is Samantha Cristoforetti

Who is Samantha Cristoforetti

Samantha Cristoforetti in her Futura Space Suit for the ESA

© 2013 Nassa Johnson

Samantha Cristoforetti is from Milan, Italy. She was born April 26th, 1977. Growing up she spent most of her time in Male, Italy. This is in northern Italy, with a small population of only about 3,000 people. The people of Male live off of the money brought in by the tourist around the area. It is known for handcrafted wooden products and farming of apples, cheese, and cold cut meats. It was here that Cristoforetti developed an enjoyment to hiking, scuba diving, and being outdoors. The town does not have large space programs for the people who live there. Cristoforetti developed an interest in space science at a young age; this passion is what led her to a foreign exchange program in Minnesota, USA. She attended Space camp Level II or what is now called Advanced Space Academy (Alumni, 2015). After returning to Italy she continued in the path of science and space while attending the Technical University of Munich while earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She then continued her schooling studying in France and then at Mendeleev Russian University of Chemistry and Technology in Moscow. Upon completion of her education she received another degree in Aeronautics Sciences.

She moved onto the Italian air force after graduation and became the first women Lieutenant and flight pilot in Italy. Before leaving the military Cristoforetti had flown over 500 hours in a total of six different military aircrafts, which earned her the rank of captain (esa, 2015). In 2009 when she was just the age of 32 she was one of six European applicants to join the ESA Astronaut Corps. She was chosen over 7994 other qualified applicants, “Samantha’s technical degrees and proven skills in mastering high-tech machines coupled with the aptitude for languages and enthusiasm for traveling makes her an ideal astronaut candidate,” claims the ESA. Three short years later Cristoforetti was assigned to her first flight mission. She was assigned to the Futura Mission, set to leave in 2014. “I am now thrilled to continue this journey with the goal of serving Italy and Europe as a crewmember of the International Space Station,” exclaimed Cristoforetti after receiving her assignment (ESA Astronaut, 2012).

The future mission was almost 200 days in space; the mission was apart of Expeditions 42 and 43. Cristoforetti along with two other astronauts; Anton Shkplerov and Terry Virts. They were carried to space in the Soyuz TMA-15M aircraft. This was only the second long-term mission conducted by the Italian Space Agency. The mission consisted of experiments for both ESA and ASI. The logo for the mission was chosen through a local art competition.

Ironically, loving space Cristoforetti took a picture in a Starfleet uniform, which is a costume from Star Wars. In the picture she was holding a cup of coffee, which gave her the award of brewing the first espresso in space (Cristoforetti, 2015). Upon landing their stay in space was delayed one month due to two Russian rockets having failure problems. Once landing she was awarded with the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by Italian president Mattarella. “’She has been followed with affection and love by all Italians,’ said the Italian President while handing a paper to the young lady” (L’italo-American, 2015).

Futura Mission Patch ©ESA/ASI/V. Papeti, 2014

Since her missions have finished she enjoys continuing hiking, scuba diving, and interacting with other space enthusiast by blogging and on twitter, she encourages people to follow her on twitter by clicking the link.





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What Technology is Cristoforetti Known for Using?

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The Culture of Cristoforetti Time Era.
Trends During the 21st Century


15 Women who Changed Italy. (2014, March 8). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

Alumni On Orbit. (2015, Winter). Alumni Newsletter, 3. Retrieved May 4, 2016, from

Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti. (2015, August 19). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

 Cristoforetti, S. (2015, April 17). “There’s coffee in that nebula”… ehm, I mean… in that #Dragon. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

ESA. (2015, September 30). Samantha Cristoforetti. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

 ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti set for Space Station in 2014. (2012, July 3). Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

 Italy Education Stats. (2012). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

B. (2016, February 3). 21st Century – Modern Inventions. Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

 M., F. (2014). Milan, Italy’s Design and Fashion Capital. Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

 The history of the European Union: 1990 – 1999. (2014, October/November). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from

 L’italo-Americano Staff. (2015, July 20). Samantha Cristoforetti becomes Cavaliere di Gran Croce. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

 Solera, C., & Bettio, F. (2007, April). Women’s Work Histories in Italy: Education as Investment in Reconciliation and Legitimacy. (pp. 4-8, Publication). Roman Trias Fargas, Barcelona: University Pompeu Fabra.

Women’s Rights in Italy. (2011, March 29). Retrieved May 04, 2016, from


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-The Culture of Cristoforetti Time Era.
-Trends During the 21st Century
Who is Samantha Cristoforetti
What Technology is Cristoforetti Known for Using

Juliana Rotich: Ushahidi founder

To bringing my cultural research project there are some terms that need to be defined that will help throughout the whole project.

according to Merriam-Webster dictionary culture is the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education, or for a more brief definition the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time. While watching the Ted Talk: Globalizing the local, localizing the global, it is said that culture is meeting the challenges of expectations of those around you to keep your individual identity as well as keeping true to traditions. People today are wanting to be individuals and be different, but it is necessary to have a local identity.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems. In the Ted talk; The magic washing machine, Hans Rosling talks about how todays society lives mainly without technology even as simple as a washing machine. However he predicts by 2050 a majority of families will be at the top producing energy, they will though have to reduce unnecessary energy waste and turn into green energy.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary gender is the state of being male or female. in Helen Fishers ted talk, Why we love, why we cheat,she starts with love. Love is when you take on special meaning, a center, a consist of loving one person over another. She states that gender can be seen from the differences in the brain activity between the two different genders (men and women.)


With terms that can be helpful defined to the best of my ability, the start of my research can now begin with topic choosing. I am interesting in seeing African women working with technology. I have decided to do my research on Juliana Rotich. She is the Co-founder of Ushahidi and BRCK inc. She was born in Kenya, after high school she moved to the United States to continue in her education and follow her passion of computer science. Juliana was born in 1977 and is currently still alive. Her culture is different then mine because first I grew up in the United States and she was raised in Africa. She also had to up and move her life to the United States where she knew nobody, whereas I moved myself two hours from home and where a good portion of students from my high school were also attending. rotich

Useahidi was developed in 2008 to map reports of violence in Kenya. The goal of the company is to serve people with limited resources. BRNK inc. is also located in Africa, the device created is able to connect to networks, local devices, have a backup power source, it is a mobile WiFI device, that has the ability to connect to internet in areas that have very little WIFI abilities.

My difficulty with interviewing her is that even though she is alive and able to be found she is a sought after Keynote speaker and on the head boards of her companies mentioned. There is a possibility to connect with her through Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, but from initial research it seems to be that contact may be difficult. I found Juliana from the Women Role Models Project site.

Cultural Research Idea.

I plan on doing research on how women in Africa are currently using technology. With initial research on what country that I want to do my research on I found that there is a program called Women in Tech Africa, which is a project in supporting women in their leadership roles done with different sources of technology. “I ADMIRE WOMEN WHO HAVE INFLUENCED A CHANGE IN THE TECHNOLOGY WORLD FROM AFAR. I DREAM OF BEING THERE TOO SOMEDAY. THE WORLD IS CRYING OUT FOR MORE WOMEN WHO CAN VENTURE IN TECHNOLOGY, AND I WANT TO BE ONE OF THE WOMEN WHO CAN ELBOW THEIR WAY OUT OF PATRIARCHY TO SILENCE THE CRY,” states one of the girls written about on the projects homepage. I am excited to look further into the research and find out how Africa is being influenced by technology. If for now you want to look further into the project feel free to explore