week 6 blog recap

This week uploading my cultural research project was not extremely difficult. I didn’t have a hard time uploading the pictures or the videos. I think the hardest part of uploading photos and videos was finding the beginning source for the media form and then translating that into a copy right code. I did have a hard time adding links to each page of my research project, I felt like while I was adding links in I was very disorganized. I finally after about three times of double checking finally had all the links and correctly had them installed on each page for easy use to move through the project.


My use of legos as a child/adult. 

While I was a child I didn’t have the small Legos that you build little humans, houses, cars, etc. with. we had the medium sized blocks that were designed for smaller children, I loved playing with these because my obsession was with Barbie dolls so my sisters and I would use the Legos to build onto our houses to create extra rooms for the Barbie families.

Today my use of Legos has not changed much. I now babysit for a family that has a seven year old girl and six year old boy. They are really interested in the Lego sets which come with directions and tell you exactly how to build the themed set. Since they are still young and sometimes have difficulties following the directions I will build them for them. I do not just play with Legos though and use my creativity to build unique projects besides what is instructed of the Lego sets.

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