Customizing the Blog Experience.

This week I thought that customizing the blog was harder than creating the blog. Creating a WordPress blog is a new thing that I have never experienced. I figured that there would be a lot more freedom on the display of my blog but it was more restrictive than I thought it was going to be. I went through multiple different themes and even though it specifies no black and white writing I choose the blog that the pages were in black and white strictly because I felt as though it gave organization to the blog. I however for convenience added on the sidebar a pages link so people do not have to strain their eyes to read the page names. I was a little confused on the organization of the categories with the initial ideas of each topic, so to be more straight forward I added those to both the set up category and the category that they are attained to. I’m excited to see how next weeks addition to the blog will play out because writing post so far have not been extremely difficult but once we get into projects I want to see how much more difficult it will be.

Adding the RSS: I have always seen this but never actually knew what it was about. I figured that out today when I was beginning this project. I displayed two and did gender equality. I choose this topic strictly because I feel like even though the class is a focus on gender and technology many people in the world care more about gender equality and how our world is treating each sex. I find it interesting and always wanted to know how blogs added those, so this was a fun opportunity to figure that out and understand what it was all about.

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