A Lot it turns out.
To recap, I’ve spent a lot of time learning all sorts of new frameworks on my journey to getting a tech job.
I knew that would be a tall order starting from scratch, but I was up for the challenge. Through all my classes so far I felt I had learned a good amount. Javascript, Python, Front-end, back-end. Now certainly I knew that Computer Science was a large world and there would be no end to the frameworks I could know, but during my first attempts at job applications, I begun to realize just how little I knew.
My first role I was in the actual running for used GoLang. A language I had never even heard of until that point. Realizing that I didn’t have time for a sanctioned University course to teach me, I had to learn myself. I had less than a month before the technical interview. What better way to impress them, than by doing the test in Go?
It was a long few weeks. Between my full time job and full time school, I learned enough, to nail the technical interview. Going from no knowledge to being able to code like that was no easy task. It’s largely why I got the job in the first place.
Now that I’m back in the job market, I find myself needing to exercise that same strength. There is a lot I still don’t know. But my greatest strength I’ve found is learning quickly and adapting. I’m hoping it will serve me well again.