A Text adventure Game?

Perhaps this will strike a chord with some of you. From the moment I started this program, I knew we would eventually need to complete a capstone project. That said, I think knowing we would eventually need to do it scared the hell out of me even more, and as a result, I’ve been dreading the CS467 class from before I even started the program. I didn’t have any idea what I was going to do for it, and at first, it seemed so far out of my abilities. And let’s be clear, some of the projects available to us still are.

When I went through that list of projects, I only became more and more ridden with despair. So many options were AR or VR related, and I’ve had no experience with it as of yet. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to if given the opportunity, but not while I’m trying to create something culminating everything I’ve learned thus far. Then more options were mobile related, a class I am only being introduced to this term. Though, as I went through the list, I found some that resonated with me, and the Text adventure game was my top choice.

I certainly don’t know everything I need to in order to finish this assignment. At least, not right now. My team and I are going to need to create a design for the game, place individual rooms in separate files, as well as read and comprehend input (that could vary quite drastically). I’m not terribly concerned about designing the game, creating the rooms, or even navigating between them, but in designing the text parser, creating objects to hold data for items, rooms, or the player inventory. It’s something I’ll at least need a refresher on or do additional research. But that said, I think that might just be what computer science is: a continuous process of relearning things as well as researching new ones.

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