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Refracting Green

Policy and Practice from the Front Lines of Marijuana's Political Economy

Archive for November 22nd, 2013

Oregon’s Medical Marijuana Dispensaries — Part 1: Market Overview

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

Today’s post focuses on the size of the medical marijuana market in Oregon.  I do this by combining some publicly available data with proprietary information I’ve collected in the course of researching Oregon’s marijuana market structure. Market Size First, how big is the market?  To answer this, we need to know:  (1) patient count, (2) […]

Oregon’s Medical Marijuana Dispensaries — Analysis

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

HB 3460–a bill allowing medical marijuana dispensaries in Oregon–was signed into law August 14th, 2013. Draft rules are being developed by a committee of 13 individuals and the state projects that the dispensary application process will open on March 1st, 2014.  The state expects to collect enough revenue from application and compliance fees to fund […]

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