Typical vs. Maximal Performance

Deciding who to hire depends on the specific requirements of the job and the company’s values and goals. This scenario does not tell specific requirements of the job and company’s business goals. If the job requires consistent performance and reliability, then Jaime may be a better fit. However, if the job requires exceptional performance in high-pressure situations, then Avery may be a better choice. Ultimately, it’s important to consider the specific needs of the job and the company when making a hiring decision.

     I am a business owner interested in hiring a new employee to fill an essential opening in my company. ‘Smart, Geoff., and Street, Randy. Who: The A Method for Hiring’ mentions that focused interviews focus on the outcomes and competencies of the scorecard. Candidate’s skill-will profile should perfectly match with requirements outlined on scorecard.

    Which one I hire depends on my Scorecard that has outcomes and competencies I identified for that essential position. If my company does an aggressive and high-pressure business-like investment in wall street or global sales with a goal of 1-in-20 chance of success, then my scorecard will have the top two competencies as ‘Aggressive’ and ‘High Pressure delivery’. Avery is the right person to be hired for the position. Such an aggressive business will demand high performance and has employees work aggressively to meet the targets by hour. Avery will fit right into such a culture and business keeps him on his toes, never giving him a chance to rest. If my business is like a real-estate construction company with monthly, quarterly, and yearly targets that are not aggressive but can be reachable with some effort then my scorecard will have competencies like ‘Consistent’ and ‘Dependable’. Jaime will be a right fit for this company. I prefer to hire Jaime.






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