tik tok on the clock

Maybe it’s the dopamine chase, maybe it’s the limitless amount of information out there. From food tutorials to skits, Tik Tok has a seemingly endless amount of content for their users to consume. Despite the warnings they implement into the feed, suggesting users quit scrolling, I find myself scrolling anyway. To me, there is simply an abundance of content out there, waiting to be unearthed.

Since the TikTok algorithm learns what your interests on, learns what you like and would like to see more of, it is almost impossible not to keep scrolling. Whether you’d like to learn more about your favorite sport, or perhaps would like to get better gym advice, there’s a video for the topic. I have found tips for almost all of the games I play, life advice relevant to my age group, and even restaurant suggestions for the area I live in. It seems as though TikTok has a clear grasp of who I am as a consumer, and continues to pander to my tastes. For some, the amount of information made available to TikTok is alarming, almost, to the point of an invasion of privacy. To me, I see it as a pathway to the future.

There are no doubts in my mind that this data could be used maliciously, if a company so desired. However, that makes the contrary just as true. If companies were to use this data in a manner befitting the betterment of society, or even in a manner which allowed for a more custom tailored experience, then I would hold no qualms to that approach. If we are ever to make technology more adaptable to individuals, then it follows that we would require data in order to provide a better service. Imagine, if we were able to custom tailor user interfaces for different age groups, as opposed to tailoring to the general public. As software engineers, we are always in search of solutions that not only work, but solutions that operate as intuitively as can be.

As we progress into the digital age, it will be increasingly easy to gather data on consumers and companies alike. Most likely, for security reasons and otherwise, the veil of anonymity that has long been known to the internet will be a relic of the past. In east asian countries such as China and Korea, the usage of social security numbers to access certain games is already a commonplace cornerstone of society. It will not be long before the west follow suit. In exchange, it is my hope and belief that we will be able to utilize the tools at our disposal to create a future that is not only safe, but is also robust and rich with possibility. With possibility comes innovation and with innovation comes the improvement of quality of life, for anyone and everyone.