The most important thing

Over the course of this course, I have learned about various topics that were very interesting to me. However, the most important topic in my opinion was during week 8 when we talked about interviewing. This was important to me because interviewing will be apart of my career in every single situation. I am currently in HR and I help support leaders through the interview process as interviewers. Understanding what biases to look out for, and the importance of the “why” behind structured interviews helps me effectively train leaders how to interview and assess potential talent in the most impactful way. On the other side, I also support team members prepare for the interview process as they move internally throughout their careers. I can give them real advice that will help them stand out in their interview process. Finally, every single job I will hold, I will have to interview for at one point or another. It is important for me to understand as a potential candidate what interviewers should and should not be assessing my ability to perform well for the role on. Regardless of how this information can be applied throughout my career, it will stay relevant to me at any part.


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