
Safety is something often taken for granted, its importance only being realized after its very existence becomes compromised. Much like diabetes, taking steps to care for and maintain one’s overall health by taking preventative measures such as monitoring one’s diet can completely prevent an individual from becoming medically compromised. The endocrine system parallels the complexity and network-like structure of personal computers in regard to both software and hardware. The levels of insulin and glucagon secreted by alpha and beta cells in response to blood sugar and various other variables mimics the port component. seen in basic network services. Monitoring these ports and becoming familiar with what typical traffic looks like could prevent someone from loosing their leg or their entire sense of personal computer security. One such tool for this is Portmaster, a service that monitors and provides users a means to establish control over every connection to and from one’s PC.

The PostMaster software contains a UI where you can view incoming and outgoing connections and block/allow to your heart’s desire. The core service is where the majority of the software’s consumption of resources takes place. Much like a firewall or DNS server, Postmaster serves to protect its users from the evils of malicious blood sugar concentrations, or your apartment complexes management. Privacy is as important as security and although PortMaster provides a solution to many such qualms, some issues require a physicality that PortMaster can’t offer. For those I suggest an app I’m working on:


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