
Favorite Tech Stack

When starting this project, I wasn’t exactly sure what tech stacks my team would be utilizing. Sometimes, when starting a project, it can get overwhelming trying to think about what to use vs. what not to use.

My task for this project has been to start the Web App for the admin side of the project. I have been working on the page that will allow an admin to create, edit, or delete certain information within the database.

When I got started, I came across a front-end framework, similar to Bootstrap that I wanted to try. This framework is called Semantic UI. I chose this framework over Bootstrap because it provides more pre-built elements that are easier to customize.

For example, I initially had a text box where the user could input a type of animal, however the team decided it would be better to have the animals listed in a dropdown, with the option for the user to type out the name while they searched. I wasn’t sure how I was going to go about this, so I searched Semantic UI’s documentation and found the exact element I was looking for!

Ex. Typing in the search box to find the animal

The best part I’ve found so far, is that Semantic UI also provides a sandbox, where I was able to test the code before putting it into my main code. I was able to take their example code, and tweak it so that it would show a list of animals and look more like how I wanted it, as opposed to how their example was set.

Semantic UI Sandbox

This has been a great experience for me to get more comfortable with diving into documentation and trying certain elements out for this project!

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