
Advantages of being an Adult Student

The first day of classes is always very exciting; regardless of how old or young you might be. However, for students who have been out of academia for some time, it can be a bit overwhelming and stressful. Most adult students are juggling work, family, friends, and household responsibilities on top of their schoolwork. One thing I’ve learned since returning to school, is that these responsibilities are what give me an advantage over traditional students. I’ve learned so much prior to returning to school, that rather than feeling intimidated I have learned to feel empowered.

3 Advantages Adult Students Have:

1. You don’t have time to procrastinate

When returning to school as an adult, you have a lot more responsibilities than your typical student who’s fresh out of high school. On top of school work, you have to think about managing a job, paying the bills and taking care of a family (or in my case- my fur babies).

There usually aren’t enough hours in the day, so you must learn to be extremely efficient in your day-to-day tasks. This teaches good time management skills, which ultimately helps you become a better student.

You need to find what works for you, but one trick I’ve found is that I write all of my assignments out for the month on a white-board calendar. As I complete each task, I will simply erase it from my board. This helps me because I can see what I have planned, and what assignments might take a little more time. Then once they’re completed, I can simply erase it from my list.

2. You Have Grit

As an adult student, you are making a conscious choice to further your education. It’s not an assumed decision, like it is for so many traditional students. You go into it fully aware of the sacrifices necessary and the time that it will take away from other aspects of your life. You go into it with a determination to get yourself through school, and this grit will carry you through the hard days and trying times throughout your educational journey.

3. You don’t get distracted by “college-life” distractions

The traditional college experience usually involves loud parties, learning the basics of how to live independently (paying bills, grocery shopping, doing laundry, etc), and college dorm roommates who may or may not be a good fit. As an adult, you most likely have these figured out by now, so that you can focus on your priorities: furthering your education.

Take Advantage of your experiences!

Being an adult student can benefit you when going back to school. You’re determined and know exactly what you want and how to get there. You have goals, motivation and drive that most traditional students don’t have. You have spent time in the “real-world” and know exactly how this degree with benefit you. Take the motivation and remember that it will be worth it!

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