Getting Back in the Swing of Things

Refocusing on school work after a long winter term break can always be a challenge for me. This term I found that to be especially so. Despite having weeks off, I still didn’t feel prepared.

As I’m sure others can relate, I wanted to share some of my tips I use to help get myself back in the mindset of school

Have a designated school work location

Having a place that when you sit down, you know you are working is extremely important. I find this to be especially true when taking online courses. For me, I renovated one of my apartment rooms into a simple office. I know when I come in here in the morning, that I am focusing on school work.

Get plenty of sleep

We have all heard it plenty of times but sleep is extremely important for a number of things. Better sleep will allow you to focus on your work and help you to retain the information you’ve learned.

Take breaks as needed

Especially when just getting back in the swing of things, remember to take breaks, eat some food, and then return to your work feeling more refreshed.

Remember your goals

This is a big one for me. I am currently on my last term of my post-bacc and senioritis has been real. Each day I remind myself why I am taking this program and my goals. This helps me to stay motivated through the remainder of the program

Hope my tidbits of information was helpful to at least one reader!






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