Category: Uncategorized

  • Labor Unions : the Pros and Cons

    Labor Unions are a controversial topic among the workforce in the United States. Some pros to being in a labor union include increased pay and benefits, formal processes for disputes are created, the quicker advancement of political causes and the creation of norms that extend to the rest of the economy (SmartAsset). There is also…

  • Impact of Stress

    When taking the first quiz about myself regarding how to deal with stressful situations, I learned that I am a problem-focused coping method. This made sense with the type of person I am in always trying to solve issues that are going on. I like feeling in control in most situations and always like to…

  • Compensation’s Effect on Individuals in the Workplace

    The first example that came to mind when thinking about how compensation effects how an individual reacts in the workplace is the reasoning to my mom moving our family from California to Florida. This was a large move and decision in my family, and it all came down to her pay raise that she would…

  • Effective Training

    A training that I have participated in the past that I found to be useful was the onboarding that I did when I was hired as a crew member at Chipotle. This training was led by another crew member that had been at the job for a few years. She was respected and did her…

  • Implicit Bias

    The implicit bias test often shows those that feel that are not bias whatsoever that they have biases that they are not even aware of. The stability of this test is also known as low because it can be taken a few weeks apart with different results. There is also many different types of implicit…

  • Interview Effectiveness

    Reliability, utility, and validity are all important aspects to having a successful interview process and result. Establishing reliability begins with having a good background on the company that is being interviewed with. Going into an interview setting with a strong knowledge on company morals, culture and leadership can be important in creating a trusted relationship…

  • Job Descriptions – Strengths and Weaknesses

    Creating job descriptions are crucial for creating understanding of what is expected from job roles. It also can lead to accountability and recruit-ability in the roles if there is understanding between all parties what is expected. Job analysis is important to understand in order to discuss job descriptions. Job analysis helps with recruitment, performance management,…

  • Management and HR

    Managing and HR practices go hand in hand due to the duties that HR contributes to a company. Human Resources, commonly referred to as HR, is there to protect and help train employees. This is extremely important when discussing managing because a company’s culture is critical in having productivity, strong performance, and overall happy employees.…

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