Interview Effectiveness

Reliability, utility, and validity are all important aspects to having a successful interview process and result. Establishing reliability begins with having a good background on the company that is being interviewed with. Going into an interview setting with a strong knowledge on company morals, culture and leadership can be important in creating a trusted relationship with the employer. Bringing up these aspects shows time and research has been put in.

Utility can be shown in an interview setting through knowing the job and its qualifications. Once these are understood, the recruit can explain their experience within these qualifications and what they can provide to the role. This shows employers what they would be able to do if they were hired and the utility that they could provide.

Validity is one of the most important aspects through interviews because if there is distrust following an interview then the candidate will not be considered. Validity is proven through impressions and how candidates respond to questions asked. This is an important trust that can be built even in a short interview setting.

Advising employers on how to improve the effectiveness of interviews would be to avoid talking too much or too little. It can be difficult to answer questions if they are at the beginning of a long speech that interviewers give. It can also be difficult to navigate a conversation if an employer does not talk a lot. This can be a bad impression for both the interviewer and the candidate.

All of these aspects are extremely important to creating comfortable and effective interview spaces. Reliability, utility and validity need to be shown through candidates. Employers also need to take responsibility of how to properly handle interviews so that they can go effectively.

Source: Lecture 4 – Increasing Interview Effectiveness






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