Blog Post #2: Getting Started

After the last few weeks, I’m lucky to say I’ll be on the “Cross-platform Training App” project. I’m very excited, this will be a new experience for me. I’ve never developed mobile app before, nor worked on backend, so I feel like this will be a great experience to gain some skills.

Why did we choose the technologies we did? To begin, we chose Python because of how dominant Python has been in this program’s courses. We all have much experience with it, so it was the natural choice. We opted to use Flet, which is Python’s version of Flutter, as it seemed like a powerful and easy choice to use for our framework. We chose Exercises as our API, as it looked like a good free option. For our storage, we’re using MongoDB, which is something we should have experience with, depending on our experiences in CS 290. Lastly, our server will be on Gunicorn, and our VCS will be Git.

What were the alternatives? We almost opted to using JavaScript and using REACT Native as our framework. It seemed like a powerful option, however due to our relative lack of experience with JS it seemed uncomfortable to do an entire capstone project with it. Within Python, we thought about using Kivy. It has a lot of examples and documentation online compared to Flet, which is pretty new. However, Flet seemed both more powerful and simple, so we opted for it. Obviously, there was potential to use SQL for our storage, but I think our group universally preferred to use Mongo. For the rest, we didn’t really consider other options.

What do I like about our UI? To begin, I like the overall branding and theming we’ve chosen for the app. I think the “bee” theme is very cute, and the colors match it to make it very aesthetically pleasing. In our initial UI mock up, I feel like it is not overcrowded, which is good. I’m personally not a huge fan of apps if they have unintuitive or crowded UIs.

While I’m a bit scared of the challenge, I’m excited to get started!






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