• Jul.02-Present: Professor of Fisheries (tenured) with the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Conducts research into the dynamics of fishery systems, particularly the response of fishermen to changing conditions within the fisheries. Develops and evaluates methods for fish stock assessment. Advises and assists staff of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife with stock assessments of commercially exploited marine finfish and with management of finfish, salmon, and shellfish fisheries. Has teaching responsibilities for upper division courses in population dynamics (FW431/531), marine fisheries (FW465/565), and stock assessment methods (FW599). Advises graduate students from fisheries and from the Marine Resource Management Program (Oceanography).
  • Jun.11-Present: Oregon representative on the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the Pacific Fishery Management Council.
  • Mar.05-Present: Member of the editorial board of Fisheries Research.
  • Jul.02-Present: External Coordinator for the Center for Independent Experts.
  • Apr.09-Apr.11: Senior Fisheries Scientist (grantholder) with the European Commission´s Joint Research Center (JRC) in Ispra, northern Italy, while on a leave of absence from Oregon State University. Member of the FISHREG Action within the Maritime Affairs Unit at the JRC.
  • Sep.06-Apr.09: Member of Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee to the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council.
  • Jun.04-Apr.09: Oregon representative on the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the Pacific Fishery Management Council.
  • Jun.04-Dec.05: Oregon representative on the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
  • Jul.03-Mar.04: Director of the Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources (CEMARE), University of Portsmouth, England.
  • Feb.02: Instructor for one-week Short Course in “Fish Stock Assessment using Virtual Population Analysis”, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.
  • Aug.97- Dec.98: Member of the National Research Council’s Committee to Review Individual Fishing Quotas.
  • Jan.93-Dec.98: At-large member of the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the Pacific Fishery Management Council.
  • Sep.93-Sep.97: Associate editor for the North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
  • Jul.96-Jun.02: Associate Professor of Fisheries (tenured) with the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University.
  • Aug.90-Jun.96: Assistant Professor of Fisheries with the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station and the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University.
  • Oct.88-Jul.90: Research Associate with the Centre for Marine Resource Economics, School of Economics, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Research on the influence of technological change in fisheries. Development and analysis of bioeconomic models of fish stocks and fishing fleets. Lectures on fish population dynamics and stock assessment methods to students on the post-graduate course in fisheries economics.
  • Jan.85-Oct.88: Research Assistant with the Renewable Resources Assessment Group, Imperial College, University of London, United Kingdom. Research on the mechanisms of density dependent regulation in populations of southern fin whales. Analyses of catch data from 1931-75 for Antarctic fin whales: pregnancy rate as a function of length; adult growth; foetal growth; the relationship between catch per unit effort and abundance; length-based model of population dynamics.
  • Jun.81-Dec.84: Marine Resources Scientist III, Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR). Statistical analyses and data processing for research projects in the Bureau of Marine Sciences. Administration of Department computer facilities. Design and implementation of a computerized licensing system for the Department’s commercial fishing licenses. Design and implementation of a port sampling program for Maine ports. Development of fish traps for the capture of juvenile groundfish for tagging experiments.
  • Jul.77-May 81: Marine Resources Specialist, Maine DMR. Statistical consultant for research projects in the Bureau of Marine Sciences. Analyses of field data and fisheries catch statistics, computer programming and operation, and planning of experiments and survey sampling design.
  • Sep.79-Jun.80: Paid leave of absence from the Maine DMR to attend University of Washington, School of Fisheries. Graduate courses included population dynamics, ecological modeling, statistical methods, and survey sampling.
  • Nov.76-Jun.77: Marine Resources Technician, Maine DMR. Research assistant for alewife and northern shrimp projects. Duties included analysis of field data and fisheries catch statistics, field sampling, and computer operation.