Browsing Berlin

Travel and Arrival

As I am finally adjusted to the time here in Germany, I figured I would share updates about my trip here in Berlin. On Sunday I flew into the airport in Frankfurt and changed planes to get into Berlin. I arrived a head of schedule, so fast in fact, that my luggage didn’t get on board! Fortunately, I was able to meet my host father at the airport and he was very helpful, -as he could actually speak German and he waited with my for my luggage for over 4 hours at the airport.

Unfortunately, it didn’t arrive, and it had to be delivered to the Wohnung I am staying at for the next day. I basically had to wear my clothes for 2 and a half days straight but I was able to survive and it allowed me to bond well with my host dad and get to know him before we left the airport. Looking back I am thankful that we were able to get to know each other well before we even arrived at the house. That evening, I was able to go out and see some of my friends who are attending Oregon State, that were currently backpacking throughout Europe, following a missions trip in Italy. It was awesome as they were fun to see again and made me feel at home right away in this new setting. I did get kinda lost on the way home, but once I found the U-Bahn or subway station,  I got to practice my German very quickly as I tried to find my way back and which trains would take me home. The Germans were really friendly, and one lady and I traded broken German and English before she was able to get me to figure out what to do. I am very thankful for those Germans that have and will be helping me out around the town.

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