
Post #7


Our web application is starting to make more progress as the weeks progress. I feel we are a little behind, but once we get some of the back-end and front-end pieces more connected, things should come together quickly.


As the end of the term approaches, it is starting to feel real. I started this program in June 2019, and it has really flown by. I think the pandemic has definitely accelerated how fast time has gone in my mind. Last year was a complete blur.

One positive about last year is that since our program was already online, we did not face any major disruptions. Additionally, it seems the tech industry continues to grow as more and more companies pivot in to something in that space. I have heard it is difficult to get and entry level job, but once you have more experience things begin to open up.


CS467 Blog #6


Our team has started getting into the groove with our project. Things are going well and it’s starting to come together.


I am an avid gym goer and I find it an enjoyable activity after a day of coding. There are many parallels between programming and working out. Being consistent and having a routine are two key aspects in both of these activities. Improving a small amount every day adds up over time.

Progress is not linear and there are times when coding and working out can be frustrated. However, sticking to a process and an established plan are critical for improvement.