Blog Post 3

My biggest success during the course was creating a dynamic graph using our sponsor’s server data with Observable Plot. This was the first time touching observable plot and any type of graphing/charting library so it was definitely a learning curve. Not only did I have to look through the documents to figure out how to create the graphs, but I also had to figure out the best way to display the data provided by the server. My breakthrough was when I had to learn how to display multiple series on a chart as it opened me up to the main data display api, D3, which is much more complex than Observable Plot. I was able to discover a lot more than just basic graphs and saw how other people were able to utilize the api which in turn used that as inspiration on how I should improve my graphs.

I learned a lot about Observable Plot and D3 which I think is beneficial down the road especially as I plan to go into Full Stack development. I also learned a lot about working in a group while asking for help or advice regarding creating these components. I am socially anxious and shy which makes it difficult working in a group and is my biggest fear when applying to new jobs in this fields. But, working with Levrum and my fellow peers made me realize it isn’t as difficult or worrying as I thought it would be. Both Levrum and my teammates were encouraging and helpful throughout the term.

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