To Sleep or Not to Sleep: Is There Even a Choice?

I am sure lots of adult students have experienced insomnia at one point or another. I thought I would share this crucial plot contributor to the lived experiences of an adult-student. I am giving writing poems a try because why not?

To sleep or not to sleep: Is there even a choice?

Zero-dark-thirty is when my subconscious mind likes to come alive

Buzzing with images, sounds, ideas, and sensations in every crevice of the hive

Why can’t this happen during the day so my bed can be the place for restful sleep?

My pillow and blankets act as the key, animating an alternate universe, making me want to weep

Where do these things come from, why and how?

I guess I could be a creative if I can remember during the day what is in my mind now

I wonder if the Men in Black really do exist.

Do they hide in my home waiting to disperse my hidden nighttime revelations into the morning mist?

Whatever, I think to myself

I just want to get through the next day, complete adulting stuff, and not put them on the shelf

OMG, I am exhausted, and it is only early afternoon

I work on focusing on the task at hand with the tactfulness of a goon

I got schoolwork to do!

I got regular adult stuff too!

I swear my consciousness must be the Manchurian candidate facilitating a subconscious coup

Wouldn’t it be awesome if can be like all those brilliant writers?

Documenting or just using all this content to create an epic story with epic characters?

Anyways, I gotta get back to work

I know it will only be hours before my subconscious will once again soar undeterred

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