Professor of Wildlife Ecology (retired)

Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Oregon State University
104 Nash Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3803



B.A., Biology, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio (1974)

M.S., Wildlife Management, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska (1978)
Thesis: Behavioral Patterns of Barren-ground Caribou of the Central Arctic Herd adjacent to the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline.

Ph.D., Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1986)
Dissertation: Diet and Reproduction in High-latitude, Plankton-feeding Seabirds.

Professional Positions/Affiliations

Lead Technical Advisor, Interagency Caspian Tern Working Group (1998-2013)
Chair, Pacific Seabird Group (2004)
Lead Technical Advisor, Interagency Cormorant Working Group (2009-2013)
Technical Advisor, Interagency Inland Avian Predation Working Group (2010-2016)
Invited International Technical Advisor, Chinese Crested Tern Restoration Project (2010-2020)

Other Memberships

American Ornithologists’ Union (Elected Member, 1994)
Pacific Seabird Group (Life Member)
The Wildlife Society (Certified Wildlife Biologist, 1991)
The Waterbird Society
Cooper Ornithological Society
American Ornithological Society (Life Member)

Awards and Honors

2001, 2005 – STAR Award, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division
2003 – Scientific Excellence Award, USGS Cooperative Research Units
2008 – Elected Fellow, American Ornithologists’ Union
2011 – David B. Marshall Award, Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society
2012 – F.E. Price/Agricultural Research Foundation Award for Excellence in Research, College of Agricultural Sciences, Oregon State University
2014 – Safety and Occupational Health Award of Excellence, U.S. Geological Survey
2017 – Ralph W. Schreiber Conservation Award, American Ornithological Society
2022 – Lifetime Achievement Award, Pacific Seabird Group

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