Fearful of Jobs

Not a whole lot to update on the game this week since it was the week of the midterm project demonstration. But I did add a couple things. Notably, I’ve started to play around with different parameters of the character in anticipation of adding buffs the player can pick up. For example, I’ve reworked how arrows are fired.

Initially, I had the ‘cost’ of firing an arrow at being able to fully draw the bow. Only once fully drawn was the player able to fire. I’ve changed it now so that a player can instantly shoot an arrow, however, I’ve added a new mechanic: accuracy. If a player doesn’t fully draw the bow, their accuracy suffers and they may miss their target. To prevent a hail of arrows from rapid clicking, I’ve also added an attack cooldown. These are parameters that can in theory be changed mid-game by perhaps picking up a buff.

In addition, I also added a hitbox for the arrow and a hurtbox for the enemies. Finally, enemies can be killed!

Now onto a bit about my fears about employment. My wife and I were looking at different jobs in the area and while they pay well, I feel woefully unprepared for a career in computer science. Not a single job I looked at I thought “I know how to do that!” after reading the description. I think this is probably pretty normal… College teaches you fundamentals and to think like a programmer. However, I sure do wish I learned some practical skills that all the jobs are asking for. I’m a 4.0 student and it is terrifying to think I’m unprepared for the job market.

I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way. If I do get a job, I feel like it is inevitable that I’ll have some major imposter syndrome.

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