Making it Fun

It’s important to step back and look at what you are working on from an outside perspective. This isn’t always easy to do though, so sometimes getting a helper is the next best thing.

Enter: My daughter!

I have recruited my daughter a couple times during this development process to test the game. She first started testing it when all you could do was move the sprite around the screen, and now she has been playing the latest version. And her feedback for me was a bit of a shock: it’s fun!

Maybe it is bad to say I didn’t think the game was fun but it was kinda the truth. I wonder if that’s natural just because you tend to be overly critical of your own material, but it’s also probably because I am testing the game constantly already that I’m a bit tired of the gameplay loop.

So it is refreshing to be reassured that the game actually is fun to play. And now it has a bit of a challenge as I added in Firebats to the game! Normal bats now have a 25% chance to be supercharged and spawn as Firebats that move faster, have more health, and have an extra attack that lets them shoot fireballs at the player.

Overall a good week!

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