Learning New Topics

One of the most important skills to have as a software engineer is the ability to learn new topics quickly. Every new job or project may require you to learn a new language, framework, or library, and it is expected that you are able to become productive with those tools in a reasonable amount of time. I feel that my time studying Computer Science has prepared me well for this, as there were many times where I had to learn new tools for my classes.I’ve used many different methods of learning, and have found that different methods are better suited for different situations. I will discuss the methods I typically use, and what situations I use them in.

If I need to learn something very quickly, I usually start with trying to find video tutorials. Video tutorials can be great if you just need a quick guide to a new tool. For example, if  you need to learn how to use a popular library, a short video would likely suffice. However, I have found that videos are not the best tool if you are trying to master a new concept, like a language. I find that the passive nature of watching videos makes it more difficult to retain information.

For mastering a new concept that I will be using frequently, such as a programming language, I try to find a book on the topic. I try to see if there is a consensus on what the best book is, and will purchase that. For example, “The C Programming Language” by K&R is often recommended as the definitive way to learn C. I find that reading tends to make things stick better. Books also tend to be more exhaustive in their coverage. 

While videos and books can help serve as an introduction to a topic, I have found that it is vital to apply what you learn. It is not enough to simply watch or read. Some books have exercises included, which I try to always do. If not, I try to incorporate the technology into a personal project. 

Even after learning and practicing a technology, it is inevitable that you will forget something. That is where official documentation is very useful. They can come in handy as a reference, but not all docs are created equal. Sometimes it can be very difficult to decipher the docs. Luckily, as developers we have Stack Overflow to help answer any questions!

As you can see, there are many avenues available to learn new technologies. What you choose depends on the situation, but also depends on your own personal learning style. You won’t know what works for you unless you try them all!

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