Am I…almost done?

Only a couple of weeks remain in the quarter, and I am starting to feel the pressure! I am happy with my progress on Mirkwood Manor so far, but I am fairly positive I will continue to be anxious until the project is fully turned in and my final grade received! The past two and a half years have been extremely difficult – I have felt as if I have been in a crucible this entire time. After reflecting, I realized how true that is – I have dealt with a lot outside of the stress of working full time while being in school, from family problems to mental illness to major life changes, and I can’t help but feel proud of how far I have come. Now, just a couple of weeks away from being done with school, I can’t help but feel tentatively excited and nervous. I have A’s in both of my classes, and things are going well, so I have no reason to actually be worried. I just think that being so close to such a big achievement has my nerves a little shot – but I know I will be relieved and so proud of myself once I am done.

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