*excited screeching*

Work on my capstone project has begun! For our text-based adventure game, we have decided to go with an amnesia-trope mystery game! My team and I had our first synchronous meeting a couple of days ago, and we will each have an area within the game to be creative and really make our own. Partially because of my excitement, I managed to get tasked with designing the fourth (and hardest) level of the game. I do get paid to run games of D&D at my local game store on a regular basis, so I feel confident in my storytelling chops to be able to handle it. I have been brimming over with ideas, but I believe the theme I have decided to land on is what I am calling “Dark Souls meets the Feywild”. I believe I will be crafting my level based around a conservatory that has gone wrong (likely through corrupted magic), leading to a setting that is as dangerous as it is overgrown and beautiful. I will likely have the player try to sneak to avoid detection by one of the monsters lurking in the area. There will be a series of tasks the player has to do in a specific order to escape. Our team has tossed the idea around of having a “basic” ending (where the player escapes) and an “easter egg” ending, in which the player would have collected enough details to fully remember what happened to them. I love this idea – I hope we can figure out how to implement it!

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