Category: Uncategorized

  • Beyond Comfort: A Journey of Growth

    As we approach the end of the term with graduation right around the corner, I find myself reflecting on my biggest success during this course. Undoubtedly, it was overcoming my apprehension about learning Blender, a new software program for me at the time. Initially hesitant due to the unfamiliarity and complexity of the tool, I…

  • A Journey with Blender in AR Storytelling

    For our Capstone project, my group mates and I are aiming to create a whole new generation of readers by creating an app that will breathe life into the pages of a physical book. With the use of augmented reality (AR), storybooks will be transformed into immersive popup experiences. We are in the midst of…

  • Introduction to Me

    Hello! My name is Renee and I’m entering my final term of the Computer Science post-bacc program at OSU. While the journey was hard at times, I also found it incredibly rewarding and cannot wait to graduate this March. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I’m excited to begin…