
Procreate in Design

In todays days of design, every type of art medium is used. One that is always included in the design process is drawing. Drawing is seen in early concept sketches, used as additional design elements, and even focused as the main component of a design. In the early days of design, when there was no impact of technology, drawing with a pencil was the only way to start a design. Now that technology has improved so much, designers are able to draw, and have an unlimited amount of design tools, on a touchscreen device. An app with these incredible drawing capabilities, that has become popular and useful amongst designers, is Procreate. Procreate was created in 2011 by Savage Interactive and has become a critical tool to designers that incorporate drawings into their designs.

Procreate has all the capabilities of a pencil and paper with the addition of an unlimited color palette, every type of writing instrument, copy and paste functions, rotation and distort tools, and much more. Designers can also drag any image from the internet and get the color palette of that image instantly. This saves a lot of time and energy for designers that have been trying to pinpoint the right CMYK or RGB numbers. The ability to trace over any image will also make it a lot easier for graphic designers that want to incorporate drawing aspects into posters, advertisements, and more. The new document settings is similar to those of Adobe. There are recommendations and the ability to create one’s own desired dimensions. The nice thing about Procreate is that it is also only $9.99 on the Apple iPad. This is a one time and low cost payment. Designers won’t have to worry about a high cost subscription payment every month or at the end of the year.

By having the Procreate easily available to all is great for the future of design. Anyone that is interested in drawing will experience the great tools that will help enhance their skillsets. Others that are new to art and Procreate may get inspiration to become designers because of it. In addition, the ability to incorporate art into technological advancements is a sweet glimpse at what the future holds. Any crazy idea seems possible with how smart the human mind is. I am excited to see what each Procreate update includes and what other types of technology will come from its influence.