
Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

Although it is one of the more recent topics we have learned about, I still think the most important thing I’ve learned this term was the 9 implications for job seekers. This list of tips and advice for those looking for a job, currently in the interview process, etc., will serve as a guideline for me as I continue my job search post college and post quarantine. One of the tips, “understand the changing world you live in”, made me think about how I can take advantage of the change in the world happening around me in my interview process. Is there something I can say or do pertaining to current events that would make myself more attractive as an applicant?

Another one of the tips reads, “read the job description”. I know it seems like a simple tip, but I had not ever done that while applying. Now, I actually looked at a job description for a job I recently applied for, tailored my resume to include some details from the job description, and now I am waiting to hear back from them. I felt a lot more confident submitting my resume and application online when I had tailored it to include some things from the job description itself. Like I said, it is a simple tip, but I will never not look at the job description before applying ever again.

The last tip I wanted to note was the eighth one, “learn to negotiate”. This ties into another tip which is “knowledge is power”. These two ideas are ones I’ve tried to enact on myself throughout my life, but hearing Professor Hardy talk about it at length and provide examples of how important it is to be prepared in a negotiation reiterated the importance of these ideals. Overall, the whole class was full of valuable information, and I am glad the online format still worked out for us.