Financial Analysis

My Dream:

This summer I have made it a goal to visit Dubai and Greece. I have been wanting to go to both places for way too long now. Not only would I like to experience Dubai’s culture but there are two buildings that I want to visit. The first one is called the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world) and the second one is called the Burj Al Arab, a luxurious hotel with a beautiful architectural shape. I have always been one for appreciating the work of an architect. These two buildings are only a few of many that Dubai has to offer.

dubai1The Burj Khalifa


The Burj Al Arab

As for Greece, not only are the white-washed houses on the hillside worth wanting to check out but I specifically want to see Lindos. It is a village on the island of Rhodes which consists of cobbled streets and quick access to Saint Paul’s beach. Another spot in Greece that I would like to see is called Myrtos Beach. It is a world famous beach known for it’s magical colors of water.


Lindos, Greece

Exotic beach - Myrtos Kefalonia

Myrtos Beach

These pictures, in themselves, speak 1,000 words which makes me all the more determined to make this trip happen and so therefore have dedicated my financial analysis to it and have come up with numbers that I hope will be as accurate as possible.

Examples of Other Achievers:

A few of my sisters, as well as myself, work for Alaska Airlines. This means that we have the blood of travelers in us. Whether it’s a day trip to Boston or a night in Costa Rica, we don’t let expenses get in the way of seeing the world. My sisters, therefore, are the examples that I have (and need) in my life who have shown me that my summer trip is possible.

To step out of the box a little bit, I researched various travel blogs online and came across a few that I thought either were interesting or had helpful tips. Adewale Adelani’s blog, Insider Guide: The Best of the United Arab Emirates, gives some good insight on Dubai travel apps, activities, and tips on how to get the most out of your trip. When searching around on Google for Greece suggestions, I came across The Blonde Abroad blog. Not only is the blog appealing but the author is a spunky California native who left her corporate career to travel the world. The Travel Supermarket blog was another one that I found to be pretty helpful. It focus’ on how to eat, sleep, and have fun on a budget while touring Greece.

Current Finances:

Many times when I travel, I usually just up and go and don’t put too much thought into the expenses of a trip. I understand that this is probably not the greatest way to go about it but I like to call it “living in the moment”. This way of planning will change, I know, but until then I am enjoying “living on the edge”.  For this project, it was eye-opening (as well as kind of fun) putting together a chart of current finances and estimated trip expenses.

Monthly Yearly
Net Income 3,000 36,000
Expenses —————————– ——————————
Car Payment 250 3,120
Car Insurance 150 1,800
Fuel 160 1,920
Rent 400 4,800
Cell Phone 60 720
Groceries/Eating Out 130 1,560
Credit Card Payment 300 3,600
Misc Expenses 100 12,000
Total Expenses 1,550 29,520
Total Difference 1,450 6,480

According to my current finance chart, it looks like I have almost $1500 extra each month. If I shoot to make my summer vacation a week of traveling, I believe that I could stay within my budget and go to both Dubai and Greece, in one week, for under $1500. Let’s take a look at my estimated projections.

Budget Projections:

During my researching, I came across a website that sums up the estimated total of your trip depending on where you are going. It’s called Budget Your Trip. After choosing the state or country that you wish to travel, it gives you a total daily cost of how much it would cost you to go there. I realize that not everything is quite accurate but for the most part, it gives a pretty close projection of what to expect. Because I work with Alaska Airlines and am able to fly for free, there is no airfare added to my expenses. Below is my chart of the differences between my daily expenses for both Dubai and Greece:

Dubai Greece
Daily Cost 282.82 138
Accommodation 137.58 88.11
Food 41.46 30.09
Water 90.25 2.51
Local Transportation 10.07 17.52
Entertainment 4.43 13.06
Tips and Handouts 1.73 1.50
Intercity Transportation 21.60 40.15
Souvenirs 67.73 15.30
Alcohol 17.69 13.47

It looks like Dubai will cost almost $300 daily whereas Greece will cost close to $150 daily. If I choose to stick to my budget of $1500 for this week vacation, then each destination would be allowed $750. With that budget, I would be able to stay in Dubai for 2.5 days and in Greece for 5 days. Granted the fact that this chart was only a suggestion/recommendation, I can’t believe how perfectly it fits my idea of a week vacation. I’m used to doing day trips and quick overnighters so it doesn’t phase me to only be in Dubai for 2.5 days.

Now that I have my expenses and budget all worked out, I am ready to achieve my dream!

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