Recap of the Course

I think a few new skills and/or concepts that I learned that I didn’t know before would be:

  • How to embed an RSS feed (never knew about this one)
  • Blog (something I haven’t done since probably junior high)
  • How to cite photos (the correct way)
  • Give helpful peer reviews (liked how we were recommended to ask a question back to the student when we did a review)

I’m not quite sure if I will continue using this blog. I like the concept but still haven’t had the desire to blog outside of this class. I can see myself using it again if I were to take a class that did blogging as well.

I plan to take everything I have learned from this class to wherever it may be used in my future. Whether it be in a classroom or work setting, I believe that the information I have learned from this class will be useful to me no matter what.

Recapping and Looking Ahead

I believe that my research on the Keurig Machine shows both positives and negatives. I think that it does deserve a little bit better marketing but at the same time it is so big and so many Americans already have one in their home that it kind of just speaks for itself. As I was doing research, I came across a lot of different opinions on whether the product is actually recyclable or not. In the end, I believe that the K-Cups are more recyclable then not. More steps and procedures have to be taken but all in all, the product does have great emphasis on being a “green” product.

Looking ahead at the financial analysis project coming up… There are so many things I want to do… Study abroad in Europe, travel to Dubai and Greece this Summer, open my own business, prove to myself and the world that I will have a good job after graduation… As for what I will choose for my paper, that is still unknown.

Progress – The Coffee Maker Paper

I'm excited about this research paper. I had originally chosen to research the sewing machine and had begun research on it after letting the instructor know that that was the one I had chosen. Luckily, the instructor let me know that it had already been taken by another student which, honestly, worked out in my favor. The little research I had done for the sewing machine was boring and had made me regret choosing it. Anyway, after picking the Coffee Maker as my new research topic, I am much more motivated to work on this project. Coffee has got to be one of my biggest addictions so it is enjoying. From the recent researching I have done so far, I think my biggest struggle will be making sure I don't wonder too far from talking about the actual coffee maker to the coffee grinds themselves. Both have much history so I need to make sure I focus more on the maker itself. 

As for the bibliography, I will be doing it in APA form. My goal is to cite and title my pictures better then I did on my last paper.

Posting the Draft

Posting the draft on my blog was a lot harder then I thought. I don’t know why but I did not understand how to post each category under a “parent page”. I emailed the instructor for some more help. With a little extra guidance and time, I was able to figure it out and got it all posted.

Set Up

Customizing my blog wasn’t as hard as I thought. I was able to breeze through it without any issues for the most part. Creating Pages was a little bit more difficult. I couldn’t get the sidebar widget to show up on the horizontal menu. It wasn’t until I was customizing that I found it did come up on the side. Categorizing was simple enough and the instructions were easy to follow.

Adding a News Feed to My Blog

So in my last post, I mentioned how I am a very visual person. This means that when I am given a task, I need clear step-by-step instructions or picture images on how to do the task. With that being said, adding a news feed to my blog was a lot more difficult then I thought it would.

I had to start out by signing into Google, going to the news section, adding “Gender and Technology” to my list of interests, and then from there had to try to figure out how to add the RSS link to my blog. I had no idea what an RSS link was so I had to research on Google what exactly it was and how to use it. After doing this, I was then able to click the RSS link from a blog that I found (which was a Forbes article). I logged into my blog account and added “Gender and Technology” to my news feed on the side by editing the appearance of my page.

Once it was all said and done, I understood it but the process was a bit irritating and time consuming. I have to admit, you can learn a lot about an article just by looking at the title of it. I do believe it will help in the long run when it comes time to quickly find popular articles on topics that my women’s study class will be focusing on this term.

First Blog Post for WGSS 320

Good evening,

Setting up my first blog was a success. I’m looking forward to learning how to navigate around the site a little bit more. It seems pretty easy, thus far. I have never been a blogger so this will be the first for me.

Setting up the email signature was a breeze as well. I had done it years ago with an old email account so I vaguely remembered how to do it again. I want to add a little bit more to the signature then was required but at the same time, I want it to be simple and clean. I believe that the signatures we created are exactly that -simple and clean.

I’m a very visual person. When someone is explaining something, I want to see it drawn out. With that being said, I do not really care for listening to web pages through the text-to-speech function. I can see why people could get use to it but at the same time, I don’t think that it is something that I will find beneficial for myself personally.

So long for now!