Progress – The Coffee Maker Paper

I'm excited about this research paper. I had originally chosen to research the sewing machine and had begun research on it after letting the instructor know that that was the one I had chosen. Luckily, the instructor let me know that it had already been taken by another student which, honestly, worked out in my favor. The little research I had done for the sewing machine was boring and had made me regret choosing it. Anyway, after picking the Coffee Maker as my new research topic, I am much more motivated to work on this project. Coffee has got to be one of my biggest addictions so it is enjoying. From the recent researching I have done so far, I think my biggest struggle will be making sure I don't wonder too far from talking about the actual coffee maker to the coffee grinds themselves. Both have much history so I need to make sure I focus more on the maker itself. 

As for the bibliography, I will be doing it in APA form. My goal is to cite and title my pictures better then I did on my last paper.
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