Adding a News Feed to My Blog

So in my last post, I mentioned how I am a very visual person. This means that when I am given a task, I need clear step-by-step instructions or picture images on how to do the task. With that being said, adding a news feed to my blog was a lot more difficult then I thought it would.

I had to start out by signing into Google, going to the news section, adding “Gender and Technology” to my list of interests, and then from there had to try to figure out how to add the RSS link to my blog. I had no idea what an RSS link was so I had to research on Google what exactly it was and how to use it. After doing this, I was then able to click the RSS link from a blog that I found (which was a Forbes article). I logged into my blog account and added “Gender and Technology” to my news feed on the side by editing the appearance of my page.

Once it was all said and done, I understood it but the process was a bit irritating and time consuming. I have to admit, you can learn a lot about an article just by looking at the title of it. I do believe it will help in the long run when it comes time to quickly find popular articles on topics that my women’s study class will be focusing on this term.

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