Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Blog Post #3!
My biggest breakthrough so far this quarter had been figuring out how to implement the geolocation api on our desktop website. I has some issues trying to get user input to translate to longitude and latitude location values. I had the UI set up to work when a city value and either a state value…
Blog Post #2
After working more with Trello, I have come to really appreciate its ability to organize a lot of information in a very digest-able way. With it, I was able to get subtasks clearly named, assigned, dated and applied to different columns for levels of completeness. The UI on the website makes it really easy to…
My First Blog Post!
Hey everyone! This is my first blog post for my capstone course for the software engineering bachelor’s degree program at Oregon State. It is funny, because this will be the first time I have wrote anything about my experience since starting, and now here I am right at the end! Here is a retrospective take…
Got any book recommendations?