Typical vs. maximal performance

In this situation, I would choose to hire Jamie as I think that consistency is better than being a slacker. I would rather hire someone that gives you pretty good results every time they show up for work. I think it’s better to have someone you know will get things done. They may not go above and beyond, but at least it is on time and not half done. With Avery, she may be really good, but may not get things done on time due to being a slacker. That can create issues and projects lined up. A job where it would be good to hire someone like Avery would be a sales coordinator. She may be really good at talking to customers and giving them information but may slack on following up with them. In this case, there is usually someone above her that would check up if she hasn’t. In this job, you need to be good at what you do and know your information. It is a feeling position and a way to gain more customers. She would be good and she could be good at communicating, but like I said before there is someone that then takes the customer after she gets basic information. A job that would be good for Jamie is a position something like a barista. He may not be the best, but if the drinks are consistent then the customers are happy. In this case, this Jamie is more valuable due to being consistent with the drinks and giving great customer satisfaction. If Avery were to slack off it would cause a backup in drinks and customers would be unhappy.






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