Some Important things I learned

This has definitely been a class I have enjoyed. A lot of the information was new to me and interesting to see from the hiring side vs the applicant side. The one thing I enjoyed was the different tests we took about personality. I haven’t had to take tests for jobs yet so I didn’t really know it was a thing. This was something that was new to me and taught me that if there is any kind of knowledge test that involves math it may lead me away from the job. These are things I haven’t experienced yet in the workforce. I also liked learning about the legal rights we have as applicants and what a company can and can not do. I was aware of some of them like discrimination based on sex and age, but didn’t know about the things employers should not be asking in an interview. I knew that there was discrimination when hiring and I don’t think that will ever go away. It was eye-opening to understand what to look out for in interviews and questions I don’t have to answer. I knew that companies all had different hiring processes and what they choose to include in them. Doing the group project really taught me the different things that go into creating a plan for hiring. It’s not as simple as it may seem from the outside. Having to figure out a plan of how to market the job, what test may be included, and how to select the best candidate all take time. There are so many things that you may not know unless you have gone through it or learned about it. The hiring process isn’t always going to be the best candidate chosen, but you would hope a company would. From this class, I am now more aware of what companies do and how hiring a candidate that may have not been the best can affect their overall profit.






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