IPIP Results & Reactions

The first one is extraversion, which was my highest scoring of all 5. I am a very outgoing social person so I wasn’t surprised. I am very much a people person. For agreeableness I was average. I have some concern for others’ needs. I’m not one to really like confrontation. For Conscientiousness I have set clear goals and pursue them with determination. This is true as for everything I start I am determined to finish. I know what my goals are in life and I want to reach them. I am a very reliable and hard-working person. Neuroticism was a low score but that means that I am exceptionally calm, composed, and unflappable. I don’t get worked up about too much and don’t react with intense emotions. Openness to experience was low meaning I like to think in plain and simple terms. I am down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.

the first thing a potential employer will say as a strength is that I am a very outgoing person and willing to try new things. I am always wanting to learn and become better at what I love to do. I have clear goals to work towards meaning I will work hard to get there. I see it as a strength that I don’t get overly worked up about situations. I am a calm person and that can be a good thing to have on a team. I think a weakness to a future employer may be my average score for agreeableness. It means that I have some concern with others’ Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice myself for others. This may be seen as a weakness depending on what the job may be. I don’t have much sympathy for others and that can also be a weakness depending on the job. I am a high-achievement striving person who will work hard to reach goals. All of the things under the category of Neuroticism were low scores and that can be seen as a strength due to it dealing with things like depression and anxiety. I am always there a ready to work even when I have personal things going on. Overall I think the results match who I am. I wasn’t surprised by many and it gave me a better understanding of myself.






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